Thank you for welcoming us!

Once again a group of confirmation candidates of our parish community was hosted by the Catholic African Mission in Augsburg on January 22nd to celebrate with them the Sunday eucharist at
St. Wolfhard in Thaddäus Centrum in Augsburg.
It was a most interesting experience for our group of youths to see and feel how Sunday mass is being celebrated in another culture. Especially the songs, rhythms and dances are so different from our way of holding Holy Mass. However, we found out that there are not only differences, but we are well united by the word of God. This thought accompanied us through the celebration on this Sunday being the day of the Word of God.
The young people listened to the reading with the words of prophet Isaiah and to the gospel of Mathew the story of which is well known to them: the first apostles to be selected by Jesus. The fishermen Simon and Andrew to be addressed by Jesus with the words ‘Come after me and I will make you fishers of people’. Jesus is still addressing us and our confirmation candidates!
Some more precious thoughts were exchanged before and after mass when Natacha Bamy of the Catholic African Parish spoke with the young people and did some singing exercise with our group which helped us sharing this worthful hour with our hosts and participating in their colourful chants.
The final words of the celebration were ‘I have decided to follow Jesus, no going back, no turning back’ which the youths confirmed by singing along.
We are very grateful for having had the chance to visit the Catholic African Mission and thank all the members and chaplain Dr. Hilary Ubah for giving us such a warm welcome!
text and fotos: Sonja Seifried